My Approach

Planning for big changes or high growth is challenging.

I believe the best solutions come from a cross-disciplinary understanding of the problem and building stakeholder consensus.

I dive deep to understand the problem (using first principles). Then, I use a design-thinking approach with a systems mindset to curate a cross-domain custom process of working with each client.

Since each client and process is always unique, the best way to understand how I can help you is a quick introduction call.


Strategic Advising Stages

  • First, we get to know each other. We map out your objectives and agree on the deliverables, stakeholders, milestones, and overall scope of the project.

  • After an introduction, I dive into your objectives and learn about your constraints and variables.

    I outline all the factors to assess them holistically. This may include incorporating perspectives from your team and/or audience.

    From here, I break down project factors into smaller elements that can be grouped based on complexity, category, or project dependencies.

  • Looking across all project pieces I curate various outcomes which often include quick prototypes. I assess each curated scenario thinking of internal and external factors and present my analysis to you.

    We talk through the benefits of each option, together we decide how to move forward and discuss iterations that may be needed during execution.

  • With team consensus on our path toward execution, I deliver a detailed project plan. This includes the core dependencies, key consensuses alignments, and testing phases required.

    At this step, we see clarity on how to move forward; including budgets, timelines and talent.

  • Once our plan is ready, I’m here to help see it through. Throughout the execution stage, I work collaboratively with the team. I highlight key findings, misalignments or make adjustments to ensure optimal project flow.

    When we have finished our project it’s critical we structure testing and analysis to improve your capacity for the future. This often-overlooked process is critical to help optimize and find new ways to continuously innovate.


Advising Services Include

Product Innovation
Business Plan Analysis
Business Development Strategy
Brand Strategy
Company Road Map
360 Marketing Strategy
Digital Strategy
Customer Journey Mapping
Start-Up Advising
Interim CEO, CMO, COO Roles


Small Business Package

For those individual business owners starting a personal or small business and need support on setting up their revenue model, marketing strategy, brand, web, and social presence. This all-inclusive package prepares you for market entry.

Small Holistic Brand & Marketing Package
The package includes: a business alignment session, brand brief, brand identity, simple business plan with marketing strategy, and a one-page website.


Advising Pricing

Hourly Rate for advising meetings
Retainer or Contract Rates based on specific deliverables
Blended Rates for projects with fixed deliverables and unique variables


From the beginning of the intake meeting I was surprised by Elise's ability to think so quickly and navigate and see connections. In the next meeting, she presented a mood board with clear design objectives, a spot-on defined audience, and four exploratory worlds. Each world was insightful and consistent with the objectives and audience. At the next meeting, she refined the options and I selected the final design direction. It was so much more than a branding and design project. The most significant outcome was I understood my own project better after working with Elise.

David Fuhriman
CFO The Campanile Foundation, Speaker & Author